Four Corners blog represents the four ends of the cross and aims at incorporating the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Similarly in my life, I'm trying to incorporate Family, Friends, and School into a single symbol with a touch of happiness, humor, and love.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

4 Corners: Week 1

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the redeemer of humanity and strived to expand the perception that people place onto each other. Jesus was passionate about spreading acceptance and forgiveness among humans, and believed that our earthly life is too short to be spent without love and compassion. He graced this earth with dignity and left with dignity. He was the savior of our sins, and reflected the ideal well-rounded citizen in fashionable manor. A greater understanding of heaven and importance of believing in the miracles of God is Jesus' legacy left on humankind.

Jesus is a reflection of God through his teachings and compassion that ensures the hope for a bright future.


Who am I? 
I'm not quite as mystifying as Jesus, but I do hope to one day be as passionate as Jesus and find what truly makes me happy in life. My current passion here at Gonzaga is to receive a Public Relations major and minor in Sports Management. I'm a very organized person and have always been an athletic individual, therefore I thought I would combine my two loves of organization and sports together. I'm a sophomore and recently transferred from Washington State University. After attending WSU I came to realize that a more personal, smaller classroom and student body was a much better fit for me. I also came to appreciate the urban cities much more after attending the extremely rural Pullman. I'm a more reserved individual until I feel comfortable in my surroundings but love to getting to meet people!

I'm the oldest of three girls, personable, and driven to find happiness. 


Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness 
Like most students today we all dread multiple choice and true/false tests. Although it is often a toss up as to which test format is the worst, the common distain lies within the principle of having to take tests. Cramming for stressful exams and not absorbing the information with desire, just simply takes the pleasure out of learning. While reading the findings concluded by Ellen Langer, I frequently caught myself nodding my head in agreement with her opinions. The three myths about learning, are all concepts that should be replaced in schools curriculum. When learning a task, the trial and error process needs to be encourage in order to approach a second nature concept with as much perspective to formulate one's own beliefs. The attention span of Americans has greatly shorten due to the inability to remain driven. Without a passion for learning something new and intriguing, life becomes very black and white. By neglecting the gray aspects in human nature, our lens on life is very limited to certain views.  The willingness to be patient for gratification is also directly correlated to limited views. By relating Ellen Langer's concepts with Csikszentmihalyi, we can greater appreciate slowing down our lives and allowing our minds to consciously guide our actions towards happiness. I agree with Csikszentmihalyi that by embracing creativity in finding new solutions, new endless possibilities will lead towards new surprises that shine light onto new happy individual. My dad is constantly repeating himself- frequently to the annoyance of my sisters and I- that we need to embrace our youth to discover our passions in life to avoid trapped just going through the motions in life.  

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